Lives behind the label
‘Made in Bangladesh’ has become an instantly recognizable symbol. But what springs to mind when you read these words in the collar of your H&M shirt? The media in the West tends to present a grim, one-dimensional picture of garment factories: women crouched over sewing machines working long hours for low pay for unscrupulous employers whose negligence leads to disasters such as the 2013 Rana Plaza collapse, which killed 1,135 people and left thousands more injured. That is part of the truth, but it is not the whole story. The rise of factory work has also brought radical changes and new freedoms, creating new social classes and shaking up habits and lifestyles. We wanted to hear about some of these changes, directly from the factory workers who are living through this period of rapid industrialization.
A web-series by Davide Morandini, Paul Myles
Written by Davide Morandini, Paul Myles
Produced by Davide Morandini, Paul Myles
Editing Davide Morandini
Camera Davide Morandini, Paul Myles
Sound Davide Morandini, Paul Myles
Music Jack Wyllie
Produced by On Our Radar, Khora Film
in coproduction with the EJC, European Journalism Centre
Length 6×6’
© 2013 On Our Radar
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